Raindrops – A Moment of Happiness

Stalking can destroy a person’s emotional strength and well-being.

At some point within the stalking period a victim must begin the process of rebuilding their lives. One step within that process is to find your ‘zone’ or ‘inner peace’ or ‘happiness’ again. I have been directed to read a list of books.

Right now it is The Code of the Extraordinary Mind which is an excellent book filled with activities, self-reflections, and a true ‘code’ for you to build an extraordinary mind and life. During the readings and while completing the workbooks, I spent some time living in the moment during a rainstorm and developed this art therapy activity.


Find a raindrop either hanging, resting, or on a window. I found the window to be the best location for studying my single raindrop. Get some paper, watercolor paints, or colored pencils, sketching pencil, eraser, and something to lean on while drawing your raindrop.

Position yourself in front of your raindrop. Draw the shape on your paper using your pencil. It can be any size you please. Once done, color it with either watercolors or colored pencils.

When your raindrop painting is done, examine it carefully. What type of emotions are feeling as you look into that raindrop and experience the colors within it? Write that down.

You’ll notice during your examination of your painting, that something may be missing from your experience. It looks like a raindrop on paper. It has the shape of a raindrop on the paper. And it has some color that can be found within a raindrop.

You will now learn how to experience a raindrop through an extraordinary mind. You’ll need a flashlight or a lamp and different colored paper. Don’t use one of the super bright flashlights, just one that casts a nice gentle light. Go back to your raindrop, turn the flashlight on, aim it at your raindrop, move it around your raindrop, change the angle of the light, and ‘play’ with your flashlight to find the rainbow in your raindrop. Now, add the colored paper either behind or next to your raindrop. Add several pieces of colored paper around your raindrop. Get a magnifying glass and study your raindrop while illuminating it.

Look at this picture below. This is what a raindrop looks like to a person living an extraordinary life.

Did you notice how you suddenly found yourself drawn into ‘playing’ with your raindrop? Even time seemed to disappear as you moved the flashlight and colored paper around. The sparkling effects within the raindrop pulled you into the experience. And you started having ‘fun’. You may even experience some happiness surfacing within your playtime.

It’s time to redrawn and paint a new ‘extraordinary’ raindrop. Add all of the colors you are seeing now with the flashlight shinning on your raindrop. Put in the starbursts in the raindrop! Get that rainbow in your raindrop. You could even use the picture above to create your new extraordinary raindrop.

When you are done, cut your raindrop out, and hang it in a location that you’ll see each day. As you look at your raindrop painting each day, make a promise to yourself that you will have an ‘extraordinary’ day because you now know how to illuminate the rainy days in your life.

Please share this activity and your completed eco-art picture via your social media. Help spread the word about eco-art to everyone. And please reach out to those who are being stalked and may need eco-art therapy to help them deal with their anxiety and stress. Take them on a hike, share time with them doing some eco-art, and bring them an art kit. They will be forever grateful to you

I am not a therapist, nor do I claim to be trained in eco-art therapy. This blog provides information, research, and a view of applied eco-art therapy or art therapy applied to my personal situation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling services.