Art Therapy – APP IT!

There are times when anxiety enters our lives and there are no art materials nearby. It is at those times when your phone can become your art therapy. Just explore the art therapy apps below to find the one that best fits your life and helps you to reduce your stress or anxiety. You’ll find yourself pulled into the ‘zone’ while working on your pictures as your anxiety and stress disappears.

Art Therapy App

Art Therapy is a coloring App for adults that will help you to rediscover the joy of coloring.
Mandalas, animals, geometrical patterns, matryoshkas and much more are ready to be colored-in.
Each detailed illustration has been carefully crafted so you can enjoy the satisfaction of creating something of exceptional beauty.


This is a coloring book game for adults that provides many new features. The iPhone version is also available.


This app has been rated as the best digital coloring book for adults and seems to provide the best colors, pictures, and results. Chroma has it all. Color unique coloring pages, hand drawn exclusively for the app, with pencil, marker, brush and paint bucket. Paint with textures and colors. Create and use your own custom palettes.

Please share this activity and your completed eco-art picture via your social media. Help spread the word about eco-art to everyone. And please reach out to those who are being stalked and may need eco-art therapy to help them deal with their anxiety and stress. Take them on a hike, share time with them doing some eco-art, and bring them an art kit. They will be forever grateful to you

I am not a therapist, nor do I claim to be trained in eco-art therapy. This blog provides information, research, and a view of applied eco-art therapy or art therapy applied to my personal situation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling services.