Get In The Zone With Hand Lettering

My blog has mentioned getting in the zone quite a bit when discussing painting or coloring in a nature journal. Now, I want to share another great activity you can do anywhere to get in the zone while reducing your anxiety, stress, or fears. It is hand lettering that you can use within your daily journal, nature journal, or your sketching journal. And you can do it anytime, anywhere, even using an app.

Hand Lettering Supplies

It doesn’t cost a lot to start hand lettering. There’s even a Crayola hand lettering marker kit that is really inexpensive. As for paper for practicing, you can go to the sites below for templates to print and practice you hand lettering:

12 Free Hand Lettering Worksheets

Hand Lettering for Everyone

Anyone can do hand lettering and the materials are not expensive. If you are a visual person and like watching videos to learn. Here is a video you may find easy to follow to get you started with creating some beautiful hand lettering for your nature or art journal.

App It! Hand Lettering Apps

There are free and paid apps that allow you to learn digital hand lettering while getting in the zone to relax, reduce your anxiety or stress. Some of these iPad/iPhone free apps allow you to do a deep dive into digital hand lettering before paying for the more expensive versions.

Calligraphy Penmanship – iPad/iPhone, Free

Calligraphy Penmanship is bringing the best experience ever to calligraphers and letters lovers to create digital artworks on a famous mobile device.

Calligraphy HD – iPad/iPhone, Free

Calligraphy HD comes with a choice of nibs and brushes, simply select your favorite tool and instantly vary nib thickness, stroke texture and pen angle. Discover a variety of backgrounds and save your artwork to your device photo gallery.

Calligraphy Handbook – iPad but you may find it for the iPhone if you search carefully, Free

CALLIGRAPHY HANDBOOK is a perfect tool for learning and improving your calligraphy skill. As a beginner, the app will provide the best digital pens and papers for your learning. Don’t waste paper and ink now, digital tools are endlessly renewable.

It is important for all of us to escape some of life’s pressures either through art therapy, journaling, nature journaling, or hand lettering. Combine some of these together and you’ll have a beautiful art journal that you’ll be proud to share with your friends and family.

Please share this activity and your completed eco-art picture via your social media. Help spread the word about eco-art to everyone. And please reach out to those who are being stalked and may need eco-art therapy to help them deal with their anxiety and stress. Take them on a hike, share time with them doing some eco-art, and bring them an art kit. They will be forever grateful to you

I am not a therapist, nor do I claim to be trained in eco-art therapy. This blog provides information, research, and a view of applied eco-art therapy or art therapy applied to my personal situation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling services.