Plein Air: Just Have Fun!

Today was a good day! Why? My stalkers were not in front of my home and I was able to get outside twice this weekend to do some plein air painting. And I’ve learned something. You just have to jump into plein air painting with the knowledge that you will make mistakes. Mistakes are expected so just have fun painting! Jump in and just paint!

What was my subject? The unpaved roads near my home are filled with old trees. I remember so clearly in my mind the day I found this beautiful scene. I have returned to this road numerous times taking photos at sunrise, sunset, and even after a terrible rain storm. I have always wanted to sit down and study this beautiful location. And this weekend I was able to do that while plein air painting this scene.

It was absolutely beautiful on both days. Today I was there just after sunrise. I set up my plein air easel. It is so hard to explain how plein air painting takes over all of your senses. Birds singing, the heavy moist air of the early morning leaving dew drops everywhere, and the early sun breaking through the canopy illuminating sections of this road. This road leads to nowhere! It is between two large ranches. As the morning moved along into early afternoon, a couple appeared behind me from the dead end section of this road. I stopped painting, talked to them, and they explained this is their land! They shared the history of this road, their ranches, their family history, and the beauty of the area. What an incredible gift! Now this plein air painting means so much more to me.

Well, how did my sketch and painting go this weekend? I was able to sketch the scene in pencil, lay in the light washes to check the color scheme, and start laying in the light colors. When working with watercolors you lay in the light colors first, then layer the darker colors on top. I have a long way to go on this draft painting. And I realize I’ll need to do another painting after this one to finally capture the true feeling of this scene, but I’m having an incredible time learning, making mistakes, and just being outside in the sun with nature. I am so very grateful for the peace I found today while painting this road and the incredible gift the couple gave to me when sharing the history about their land, family, and the beauty of this location.

Get a sketch book, some inexpensive watercolors, a brush, and go plein air painting. You don’t have to share your painting with anyone, just do it for yourself! Look around you, feel nature surrounding you, and enjoy the beauty within the moment while you just have FUN painting outside.

Please share this activity and your completed eco-art picture via your social media. Help spread the word about eco-art to everyone. And please reach out to those who are being stalked and may need eco-art therapy to help them deal with their anxiety and stress. Take them on a hike, share time with them doing some eco-art, and bring them an art kit. They will be forever grateful to you

I am not a therapist, nor do I claim to be trained in eco-art therapy. This blog provides information, research, and a view of applied eco-art therapy or art therapy applied to my personal situation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling services.